1.22 - The Hidden Life of Trees


“You’re just going to keep wearing some version of the same outfit,” Kai chastises me as we prepare to go after the next piece of code.

Kai has taken advantage of having access to his full wardrobe. He’s finally gotten a chance to change and chose to make a statement. Brown boots, black wool pants with a sewn pattern towards the bottom, what looks to be a button-down shirt also made of wool and a brown leather jacket covered in geometric patterns.  

“Alright, what should I wear,” I give in much to his delight.

“Give me access to your wardrobe.”

“Good luck,” I give him access to my clothing and accessories

“How do you feel about camouflage,” he asks.

“I prefer black.”

“You never wear anything bold, but you’ve got a lot of unique items available to you.”

“I just pick them up from quests and loot boxes.”

“I’ve got it, don’t complain until it’s complete.”

When Kai is done, I’m standing in a pair of bright blue high-top sneakers, black camo overalls worn incorrectly with the straps down as if I’m a wrestler who just got really serious. A blue shirt with some random phrases, scribbles, blotches of black ink and doodles all over it. To top it all off not one but two gold chains.

“Dude, I’m 30,” is all I can say.

“Yeah, dress like you’re 30 and not 50. You look good.”

“I look, like a teenager.”

“You look fine, really,” Kai assures me.

“I’m going to trust your fashion sense because we’ve got a train to catch.”

Kai and I hit the streets for Astro City as we’ve done plenty of times before. This time it feels different, realer. This might be one of the last times we’re just walking through the streets. It’s why we chose to take a train to meet with Daamin and Kay. Downtown is filled with people in suits rushing to get to their next meeting but on every corner, you can see some different kind of culture. A man with two golden hands serving horchata. A cafĂ© at the base of a high-rise apartments specializing in Turkish Coffee. I’m amazed the city seems to have a sense of normalcy since the last time we were here it was chaos. When we enter the shopping mall the smell of Bolo de rolo being made at the bakery near the entrance grabs our attention.  

“We don’t have time,” Kai says.

“If we split one, we can still be on time.”

Kai looks around as if someone is going to see him, “we’ll split it, and eat it on the train.

We quickly settle on a strawberry flavor with a cream cheese filling, a favorite of both of ours. The trains in Astro city always run on time so it’s a mad dash to the elevator from the bakery. I live near this mall but never come here unless Kai is with me. As we take the elevator to the 31st floor where the train stops, I look through the glass windows and wonder just how many stores are really in here.

“You’re looking all sentimental,” Kai says.

“I only come to this mall with you, and this might be the last time we come here.”

“Aww,” Kai mocks me. “I didn’t know we had a special place. Do you want me to kiss you, make sure we remember forever?”

“Shut up,” I shove Kai gently as we both laugh.

The glass tube that is the train station is filled with people even early in the morning. We make it to the platform just as the Sycamore Line is arriving. The sleek pearly white train with large circular windows is the complete opposite of most of this city. An AutoSoft marvel of technology connecting almost the entire game world at high speeds. We take a seat on the train; our destination is sixteen stops from here. From there, we’ve got a two block walk to the meeting spot. Kai hands me half to the bolo de rolo as the train pulls out. Even at high speeds the train doesn’t rock as we enjoy the sweet sponge cake dessert.

“Why do you like taking public transit so much,” Kai asks after a few stops, licking his fingers clean.

“Public transit decreases the traffic, provides access to people who won’t be able to drive, you can do things like eat bolo de rolo on the train and my city doesn’t have good public transportation in real life.”

“Fair enough.”

I stare out the window watching as the city goes by. Buildings that look like they’re made of sheet metal separated from stylish high rises by a canal. The whole thing is a testament to the work that’s gone into the game even if Kay was stealing story elements from everywhere else. I feel something on my shoulder and look to the left to see Kai has fallen asleep and chosen to use my arm as a pillow. I don’t mind, he stayed up all night with me when I didn’t ask him to. I joke around with him a lot, but I really do love this guy. I’ve got ex-girlfriends I liked less than Kai. I’d be devastated if he ever left me. I chuckle to myself as the train comes to another stop.

“Shit, sorry,” Kai wakes when people exit and enter the train. “Didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

“It’s fine, we’ve got seven more stops so about 35 minutes if you want to sleep more.”

Kai shrugs and shamelessly puts his head back on my shoulder and closes his eyes as the train takes off again; as if he wasn’t apologizing a few seconds ago. He looks way calmer when he’s asleep, it suits him. He’s not full of energy, devious plans and jokes. The train passes out into a district that’s supposed to be completely self-sustained and green. I’ve been here before but never for more than a few minutes.  

“Hey, wake up,” I whisper to Kai, “we’re at our stop.”

He groggily follows me off the train and through the station until we’re outside. It does smell better than other parts of the city, but not fresh air. It smells more like Pine-Sol. Wouldn’t surprise me if there was a quest to prove this district isn’t as green as it claims to be. The neighborhood feels just as alive as any other part of the city. Little old ladies watering plants. There’s a community garden which surprises me. I don’t recall seeing many gardens here, even in areas with single family housing.  

We spot Daamin and Kay waiting for us outside of a massive apartment building, overgrown with thorny vines and covered in graffiti where it’s free of plant growth. I don’t mention the fact that I saw them holding hands as we exchange greetings. Daamin is glad to see me in better shape and Kay makes sure I know I’m an asshole. Sounds perfectly fine to me.

I knock on the door, and we’re greeted by an NPC wearing a dirty cream-colored bath robe, and nothing else. He welcomes us in and points to some seats in an equally dirty sitting room. He vanishes up the stairs and leaves us alone, all without saying a word.

“Well, this is a wonderful house,” Kai kicks at a box on the floor.

“It’s a lot narrower than the outside would make you think,” I respond.

“Trust me, it’s a monastery, really more of a palace,” Kay swears.

“Do you know what this reminds me of,” Daamin asks.

“A super rare anime you’ve only seen on VHS after trading six rare DVDs for,” Kai responds.

“Nope,” Daamin says calmly.

“An underground Norwegian film recorded in Swahili but with German actors,” I guess.

“Nope,” Daamin shakes his head.

“Some kind of disturbing viral video,” I respond.

“An unreleased video game,” Kai adds.

“No to both of those,” Daamin keeps calm.

“Alright, what does it remind you of,” Kai asks, curiosity getting the better of him.

“A crack house,” Daamin answers as if he hasn’t said something crazy.  

“Comparing things in the game to society’s ills and providing depressing commentary is sort of my thing. How about you just tell us some kind of obscure anime fact,” I speak up when nobody else does.

“Yeah, some Sailor Moon or something,” Kai adds.

“Did you know in the Sailor Moon anime they changed the ages for no reason? Tuxedo Mask wasn’t in college trying to date a middle schooler that’s creepy. They were basically a year apart in the manga. Also, you may have wondered why there is not Sailor Earth. Well, in the manga it’s revealed that Tuxedo Mask is actually the guardian of Earth and that’s where his powers come from,” Daamin tilts his head cockily.

“I didn’t think he’d do it,” I shrug.

“I’m almost glad he did,” Kai laughs.

The NPC returns from upstairs and ushers for us to follow. I take the lead and notice the bottoms of his feet are blackened from walking around barefoot, but he doesn't seem to mind. The staircase is just as narrow as the rest of the house. There’s a handrail but no real point as there’s a wall on each side. It’s barely big enough for one person and Daamin has to squeeze in to get up. We come to a landing of a floor sloppily covered in blue paint with the white walls fading through. There’s a TV, a miniature fridge, some books and a young woman laying on a bed playing with a data pad.  

“Are we in someone’s apartment,” Daamin asks.

“Snake prince,” the NPC says leading us up the next set of stares.

“Who is this snake prince,” I ask.

“Snake prince,” the NPC responds.

“What does the snake prince do?”

“Snake prince.”

We come to another apartment landing, this one with a teenage boy picking between his toes. He gets upset with the NPC who didn’t mention visitors to him but the NPC doesn’t seem to care that he’s made the boy feel embarrassed. He just leads up another flight of stairs. On the third floor there’s no apartment or people living there. It’s just a blank white room with a large wooden set of double doors.

“Snake prince,” the NPC says before pushing open the door.

Behind the door a massive tree shoots straight up towards a completely blue sky that almost seems to sparkle. Railings of different floors covered in lush and bouncy leaves. An entirely different world than what we had seen so far. People traverse stairs dressed in traditional monk robes or clean bath robes. Some with tech implants, others with obvious animal DNA.  

“I told you it was amazing,” Kay says smugly.  

“You’re right, but it looks more like a resort or spa than a monastery” I admit defeat without giving her satisfaction.

“Snake prince,” The NPC leads and ushers for us to follow.

1.21 - Excalibur II

We drove into the city a few hours ago, and everything seemed to be normal. A few random acts of violence, but that’s normal. Everyone wanted a chance to check out their own places and make sure things hadn’t changed too much so we split up. Daamin made sure to keep Kay with him while Kai and I each went solo. Being back in my apartment feels good. I’m still in pain, but the home healing bonus will help to make sure I’m good to go in the morning or afternoon whenever they call.

Hopefully the next challenge won’t be an issue. From what Kay told us, it takes place at monastery in the city. I don’t recall seeing a monastery and I’ve been over a good portion of the city. It’s a digital city that’s always growing and changing but I would know if I had passed a monastery in a place like this. I really don’t want this to be another quest where we have to fight. Daamin really shined in the fighting tournament and I managed to to get the sword mostly through talking, but I almost got wiped out again in the process. I don’t think anyone would blame me, but I wouldn’t be upset if they did. I need to do better. I’ve been off my game for a while now.

I take a seat at my work bench and lay out my arsenal before me along with the crumbled pieces of Excalibur and a few random upgrades I’ve picked up. I’m a fan of classic shotguns, but I need to come into the future. I break down a few of my least favorites and open up the catalog of models I’m able to build. I like the base of the IWI-Tavor-TS12, and with a mod it can hold up to 30 rounds. There’s also the DP-12-2 which has a two barrels and with some modifications I could have it fire four shots at once. How about best of both worlds? I put the DP-12 barrel onto the IWI-Tavor. Excellent, probably couldn’t do that in real life, but it’s a game. 28 rounds, 4 per shot, gives me 7 shots before reload but adjustable to fire just one. Yeah, this is almost the perfect shotgun. I choose a red color for the gun and I’m proud of my work. But I’ve still got Excalibur. I can use the material for Excalibur on the gun. It’d increase the weight but bring over each of the status effects, I can live that. With the addition of Excalibur, the gun is given silver etchings of Celtic designs along the barrel with a gold dragon emblazoned on the handle. I call it Excalibur II, my greatest creation yet.  

Staring out the window, and I can’t help but remember how beautiful the city is from up this high. Here, downtown, there’s so many buildings bigger than a city block shooting up the sky reaching for the heavens. Each with their own design, some better than others, but they all work together for one cohesive skyline. You can’t see the stars from the city and need window shutters so the light doesn’t come shining in at night, but the neon images projected on the sky keep you company. Right now, a purple fish swims through the sky leaving ripples before it leaps into the air and comes down with a splash promoting fish water. A synthetic water so healthy fish swim in it. Kay really worked hard on shady companies and their advertisements.  

A call from Kai pops up; I absent mindedly answer, “go to sleep Dre, we’ve got a long day ahead of us.”

“How do you know I’m not sleep?”

“Because you’re a self destructive over thinker who wouldn’t know a sleep schedule if it was stapled to his head. You’re probably staring out the window blaming yourself for everything. When you should be sleeping and resting.”

“You got me.”

“I know.”

“So why are you up?”

“Because I went to sleep on the couch as soon as I got in, and now I’m taking a bubble bath.”

“You decided to take a bubble bath and think of me, I’m flattered.”

“Don’t be, I was feeling like Rev. Run and wanted to say something philosophical. Thought you would be the test.”

“Thank you, but please spare me the fake blackberry mentality,” I laugh.

“Alright, well I’m on my way over to watch some of the new movies people have made while we were in the badlands.”

“I didn’t invite you over.”

“Yeah, but you’ll let me in when I show up and knock.”

“No, I won’t.”

“Yes, you will because you’re just going to sit there and be all, woe is me. Also, you really want to see those movies.” I can imagine Kai smiling when I don’t answer. “Say it.”

“Say what?”

“Say, Kai come over. You’re my best friend and I need someone funny to distract me from being sad long enough to fall asleep.”

“If I wanted funny, I would have called Daamin.”

“But you didn’t call him.”

“I didn’t call you either.”

“You don’t have to call me, we’re best friends. We got matching bracelets. I know you better than you know yourself. You probably haven’t even changed clothes. Just stared out that big ass window, maybe ate some microwavable food and crafted some consumables.”

“Ha, I crafted a gun not consumables.”

“Oh snap, you’re evolving. Now say it.”

“Kai, I’ll allow you to come over. You’re my best friend and I want to be distracted from being sad long enough to fall asleep.”

“You left out the funny part.”

“You’re not funny.”

“I’m on my way. Take a shower and order some food for us. Society hasn’t collapsed yet.”

“See you in a bit,” I end the call.

Kai says he’s coming over for me, but in reality, it’s for him. I know I get sad, I’ve been fighting depression for a long time. Kai just can’t admit that he worries a lot. I like to think I’m cool under pressure but he’s the opposite. He can say he fell asleep but he hasn’t slept either. He’s stayed up pacing worried about nothing. 

1.20 - Sword in The Stone


Kevin and I limp to the visitor center holding on to each other for balance. I’ve got a back and shoulder that have be destroyed by a robotic bear and a gut wound that goes straight through to the other side now. He’s got a twice crushed ankle and is still a little loopy but we made it. Daamin, Ashley and Kai are all standing there waiting as if they’ve had a perfectly fine trip since we were separated.  

“Ashley, we need to talk,” Kevin says in the strongest tone he can muster.

“We need to get you all some help,” Ashley says.

“Let the man speak his heart,” I stop Ashley.

“Hurry up. You two look like you’re about to die and have multiple status effects,” Ashley complains.

“I love you Ashley,” Kevin starts strong. “I really like you, and I want to get to know you. In the real world,” Kevin is spewing words so fast I struggle to keep up. “You’re really cool, and smart and funny. I love every moment I spend with you and all the stupid stuff I do is to impress you. I want to like all the little stupid things you like so they become stupid things I like. It doesn’t matter if it’s this game or the real world my life is incomplete without you.”

“Kevin,” Ashley holds a hand over her heart. “You idiot. Do you think I’d run around with a grown woman calling me mama if I didn’t like you? This is our chance to ditch Yara and go live our lives, together.”

“We can ditch her? I would have done it weeks ago if I knew you didn't like it either. I just kept thinking about how she was ruining all the time we had together.”

I didn’t have child neglect on my bingo card but here it is. I nearly fall over when Ashley grabs Kevin for a hug. Kai manages to catch me in his arms. Laughing is all I can do as my taller body and larger frame slouch over him.

“Kai, let me go man,” I continue laughing.

“Too late,” he falls backwards with me landing on top of him.

I roll off him and keep laughing. “Did you get the drives from Ashley?”

“Yeah she handed them over without a fight after I told her everything,” he hands both drives to me.

“Great, help me up. We’ve got a sword to smash.”

Limping into the visitors’ center I spot Kay waiting for us. It’s actually nice to see her, because I’m glad she didn’t screw us over before we got all four pieces of code. When she see’s the condition that I’m in she points and laughs. I give her a middle finger with one hand and hold up the drives with the other. I think we’re friends now.  

“Congratulations,” the Park Ranger shouts. “You’ve managed to get both a yin and yang drive. That means you’ve earned the right to the legendary sword, Excalibur,” he ushers his hand to a decorative stone with an old-fashioned sword sticking up from it. I was actually thinking I’d feel some kind of divine power as I gripped the hilt of the sword but there’s nothing. The sword comes out smoothly without any resistance. A triple damage multiplier, and a chance of paralyses, bleeding or burn damage. It’s a great sword to use. I hold it in the air as the quest complete sound plays and bright light shines down on me. The light feels amazing, warm. This must be how Daamin felt when he won the tournament.

The light fades and all the pain returns. I start to smash the sword’s blade on the stone until it dents and cracks. It’s shatters in a burst of light revealing the second piece of data we need.

“I can use these scraps,” I pick them up wondering if they’ll be good for a weapon mod later.

“Let’s get out of here already,” Kai laughs.

“Enjoy your walk back,” The Park Ranger opens the doors for us.

“You couldn’t program a car to take us back,” I ask Kay.

“This must be the creator,” Kevin looks at her.

“Why yes, I am the creator of this wonderful paradise,” Kay smiles proudly at Kevin.

“You’re a dick,” Kevin gives her a middle finger and heads towards the door supported by Ashley.

“I’m starting to like that guy. Really glad I’m not the only one who thinks she sucks,” I follow their lead supported by Kai. “There better not be any bears either,” I shout back.

“That bear is wonderful. Let me tell you about the quest that revolves around there bear,” Kay comes following after us.  

The walk back through the forest is still a pain especially with all the lingering damage and status effects that I haven’t cleared. We spend more time getting to know Kevin and Ashley. We offer them a spot on our little team, but they’re not interested. The two of them want to spend some time getting to know each other without Yara, I can’t blame them.  

“Hey, give me a few days to recover, but if you ever get in a jam, give me a call. We killed a bear together, we’re friends now,” Kevin laughs extends a hand.

I shake his hand for real this time around, “I’ll keep that in mind. Don’t be a stranger, you can call me too.”

Ashley helps Kevin into a white jeep as they drive off into the desert leaving just the four of us again. I want to go home, but I also need to take a moment relax and recover. Maybe craft a weapon upgrade, certainly buy some health regeneration items.  

“I leave you alone for a few hours and you’re forgetting I’m your best friend,” Kai flicks the bracelet on my wrist before heading towards my El Camino.

“Don’t be like that, you know you’re my favorite! I’ll even let you drive,” I limp after him.

“Will you two get a room already,” Daamin shouts.

“Right next door to you and Kay,” I shout back causing Kay to turn red and Daamin to look away.

1.19 - Feral Hogs

 “How did you end up being mama and papa if you and Ashley aren’t dating?”

I look over to see Kevin staring at his hands. Some momentary lapses in brain functions are all I got hit with but it seems like Kevin is being hit a lot harder than I am, or was. I think I’m good now; I hope I’m good now. Being good would be for the best because we’ve got a long hike to get to the visitor’s center. It would be great if Kevin could focus a little. From what I can tell nobody has been to this area of the forest, there’s no footprints or damage for any fights and through my constant scans I’m not picking up any other people.

“Kevin,” I shout in his ear.

“Hey buddy, we’re making some good progress,” he responds completely oblivious to the last half hour of walking.

“How did you and Ashley end up with Yara in your little family?”

Kevin sighs, “do you really want to hear that?”

“I absolutely do,” I don’t but I need to get him talking and focused.

“We used to be in a gang, because we’re tough. Our king was a real jerk of a guy no matter how you sliced it. He was also stupid but he thought he knew everything. You know the kind. He kept telling everyone that it was based on an order of knights, but it was clearly based on a chess board. We had a black king and queen, then a white king and queen. No racial.”

I can’t help but laugh, “what is no racial?”

“It’s when you say something that sounds really racist but it isn’t meant to be racist. Anyone can be black or white king and queen but when it gets explained, it’s a little shaky.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“So, our leader is a jerk, but I’m good. I’m the best we had. I work my way up the ranks until I’m black king. This is when I became The Black Swordsman. I didn’t choose the nickname, but the coat gives me a boost to speed and dexterity which comes in handy when dual wielding. I always wore the coat when things got serious and I used two swords and I was the black king, you get it. Things got bad for the crew, so I plotted a coup,” Kevin starts to stare off into the distance.

“I didn’t know you had it in you,” I try to bring him back to the conversation.

“I didn’t either, Ashley put the idea in my head. She’s strong, but doesn’t like to fight. She helped me plan it and get some people on our side. I managed to win and take over the gang. I got rid of the whole chess board craziness. What about you? You ever join a gang? Actually, you seem like a corporation guy. The really stiff type.”

“I’m mostly a solo player.”

“But you seem to be pretty close with the guys in your group.”

“Well, Kai is basically my best friend. We’ve never met in person, or even video chatted, but we’ve been playing games together for a really long time. Kai is a solo player too, but we teamed up a lot in multiple games but weren’t a team. He’s always supported me even from thousands of miles away. We met Daamin about three years ago and he forced himself on us, but we don’t mind. Daamin kind of forced us into working together a lot,” I spot Kevin looking at his hands again. “You didn’t explain how you became mama and papa.”

“When I took over, I was good to the new recruits. I didn’t let them get beat up without retaliation. I didn’t force them to give up a big percentage of their loot and credits. I got the nickname Papa Bear because they said I was protective of the cubs, or lower-level players. Ashley became Mama Bear because she was basically second in command and maybe even more defensive than I was. When we all got trapped here, a lot of our gang was wiped out during the first few weeks. Yara managed to survive and really took the mama and papa thing to heart. Ashley thinks it’s PTSD and she’ll eventually get past it so we’ve just been going along with it.”

“It’s good to know that you aren’t a group of psychopaths.”

“What’s your deal? Why were you willing to send us both to our deaths for data drives? You clearly can’t use a sword and Daamin uses katanas so there's no real goal for you at the end of this quest.”

“We’re trying to go home. I found the creator of the game and kidnapped her. We need to -”

Kevin interrupts me, “Don’t just gloss over that. You kidnapped the creator of the game? You saw their face?”

“Yeah,” I guess I’ve just accepted it as normal now.

“Well how do we get home?”

“We need to gather four pieces of code to upload a cure for a virus infecting people with tech implants. After we get the code, we need to beat a bunch of floors of security at AutoSoft.”

“What does that have to do with the sword?”

“We have to break the sword to get the code.”

“It’s not that cool of a sword anyway. There are other cool swords in the game.”

We march on through the woods, picking up pace and trying to catch up to our friends. The terrain down here is a little rough and there’s a constant slope. Not enough of a slope to make it hard, but enough that it’s noticeable.

“Did you hear that,” I ask Kevin.

“It’s like, heavy footsteps and maybe a growl.”

“Yeah, it’s been behind us for a while but it sounds like it’s getting closer.”

We don’t get a chance to discuss it anymore before we hear a roar behind us. We turn to see a white bear in the distance slowly approaching us. I want to say it’s a polar bear but there are some clear tech mods that have been made to it. One of the paws is completely made a of a brownish metal, a portion of its skull is covered with metal plates, wires shooting out in all directions connected to the spine. More plate work among the abdomen.

“Should we run,” I ask.

“No, I used to hunt with my dad. There’s a rhyme for when you’re approached by a bear. If it’s black, make a quick attack. If brown, boogie down. If it’s white, you’re in for a fight,” Kevin responds.

“How about, it’s furry, we need to hurry?”

“Wait, I got it. I think I got it. If it’s black, sneak attack. If it’s brown sit around. If it’s white, goodnight. No. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, stay down. If it’s white, go towards the light.”

“That’s even worse.”

“No, I think I got it. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown get down. If it’s white, last rights.”

“I’ve got one, it’s getting bigger, time to squeeze the trigger,” I equip an assault rifle. “This is good for 30 to 50 feral hogs I hope it’s good for a bear.”

The bear rushes forward as I open fire. Kevin dives off to the side and stabs at the bear as it focus on the gun fire. He runs to the side as the bear changes targets. I make some distance before firing again. I’ve lost sight as Kevin as I slide to avoid a massive metallic paw. The paw still smashes into my shoulder, sending me to the ground and my assault rifle tumbling out of reach. I equip a shotgun and brace myself against the ground. The bear lets out another massive roar, saliva spewing from it’s mouth. At the last possible second my body responds to me, I squeeze the trigger of a shotgun. Pain erupts through my shoulder and stomach, reminding me the stab wound to abdomen hasn’t fully healed. The bear pauses, dents and cracks covering its armored torso where my bullets landed, blood dripping down onto me as its lower jaw has been blasted loose and barely hangs on. I expect the bear to drop on me when it finally moves. Instead, it stands on two feet and prepares to drop those massive paws on me. I try to move but my body won’t seem to follow orders. That’s when I spot Kevin leaping from a tree, both swords in hand. He brings down both swords slashing at the bear’s back. Slowly the bear starts to fall backwards onto Kevin. His ankle gives out as he tries to hold up the tank of a creature, crushing his legs beneath it.

“You alive over there,” I call out to him.

“Yeah, just stuck.”

“I’ll help you out when I can move again. I think I got hit with a paralyses status when the bear hit me.”

“It’s okay, nothing is broken but my ankle is sprained for sure if it wasn’t before.”

“I thought these things were supposed to drink coke and hang out with Santa.”  

“You’ve been lied to. Polar bears are one of the only creatures that consider humans a food source,” Kevin laughs.

“You’re in good spirits for someone crushed under a bear.”

“I’m in good spirits for someone who isn’t going to be bear turds.”

I can’t help but laugh, “you’re an okay guy Kevin. Sorry I thought you were into some weird kinky stuff.”

“Oh no, that’s definitely the vibe we were giving off, and I am into some kinky things. Hopefully, Ashley is into them too. We’re going to find Yara, but we’re not doing that anymore. Sorry I called you boring. You got a real pair on you,” I get a contact request from Kevin.  

“I’m going to accept that as soon as I can move.”

“Did we just become friends?”

“I think we did.”

“Do you want to do karate in the garage?”

“I guess, I don’t know what that means.”

“If we’re going to be friends, you’ll learn,” Kevin starts to laugh but groans in pain.


1.18 - Accident Murderers

“Closing in on a group of three, one seems to be injured,” Kai gives instruction from below. “Approaching fast. Launching preliminary attack.”

One of Kai’s spheres zooms ahead of us. There’s a brief flash of yellow light followed by the sound of a quick explosion. If I know Kai he’s used a laser to destroy something in the area or he’s used the drone as a shrapnel grenade. We arrive on the scene and spot Kevin, Ashley and Yara trying to recover from the shrapnel. I rush in, not caring about their kinky family but Daamin stops me.

“We can’t fight them,” Daamin says.

“Why not,” I ask.

“Because they’re friends. Friends are hard to come by in this game and we never know when we’ll need them.”

“Do you just go making friends with everyone I dislike? First Kay now these kinky weirdos?”

“We’re not Kinky,” Ashly says seemingly shocked.

“You’re a little weird,” Kai says still hovering on his drones.

“You’re a man in a dress,” Yara shouts at Kai.

“Why are you still wearing the dress,” Daamin asks.

“First of all, it’s a skirt. Second, both of you are homophobic. I’m just smashing gender norms,” Kai is quick on his feet and does a spin as he leaps from his drones to the ground.

“Why are you pretending to be a family as if you weren’t all the same age,” I ask.

“Why are you so boring,” Kevin asks me.

“You don’t know if I’m boring, you don’t even know me.”

“I know you’re the least interesting person in your group.”

“I’m very interesting.”  

“No,” Kevin shakes his head. “He’s a giant lizard man carrying three swords. That guy is dressed like he could have been in Prince’s band The Revolution. You, you’re just boring by comparison.”

“Shut up.”

“No you shut up.”

“Don’t tell me to shut up.”  

“Enough,” Ashley yells.

“Do you guys have a drive still,” Kai asks.

“We don’t have just one drive, we’ve got two,” Yara holds up both drives.

“I’m going need you guys to give us both,” I equip my shotgun.

“We’re not giving you anything, we earned these,” Ashley argues.

“We don’t need to fight,” Daamin says. “I’m sure if we just explain the situation they’ll agree to help us. There’s going to be multiple winners of this thing. Both groups can get a copy of the sword. We can help each other.”

“There’s the problem,” Kevin interrupts. “We don’t need help. We’ve already won. We just have to turn the drives in.”

I aim my shotgun, “You don’t win if I shoot you.”

“Don’t hurt my daddy,” Yara rushes forward holding a small knife.

Several of Kai’s drones begin to fire on her instantly with several lasers turning her into turret target practice. Even after Yara’s body drops to the ground the drones continue to fire until there are no health points left. There’s nothing but silence for a moment. During the time I can feel the air making my lips dry as my mouth is agape. The synthetic opium must be doing it’s job because I can only think about the ringing in my ears. I’m wondering if it’s from the sound of the explosions or if I have tinnitus. They say tinnitus doesn’t go away if you plug your ears so I put my fingers in my ears. The ringing goes away, so I guess it isn’t tinnitus.

“My baby,” Ashley shouts rushing to Yara’s body. “My baby never hurt anybody. My baby never did anything wrong. This senseless violence has got to stop. They put my baby in a coffin,” Ashley cries.

“I didn’t mean to do that. The drones, defense mode. She shouldn’t have rushed with the knife,” Kai starts to apologize.

“Hey,” I shout, “Get your hands out of her pockets.”

Ashley smiles and backs away, “just had to make sure we got the drives.”

After Kai killed Yara like that, I knew I was going to have to deal with Kevin. The drives are just too important. I never thought he’d stand silent like this for so long. It’s just funny like that sometimes. You never know what’s going to happen or when. We’ve come too far to just leave without the drives now. My grandpa asked me once time if I care whether I live or die. Yeah, I do. Now is the time to prove it.

“Are you doing an internal monologue,” Daamin whispers in my ear.

“I think so.”

“Cool, that’s some real anime protagonist stuff. I hope it’s about the power of friendship bringing us together in moments like this.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Alright, movie villain it is,” he laughs.

“Ashley,” Kevin shouts. “Give me my black coat.” Kevin dons a black coat and draws two swords; one made of black metal and another of greenish crystal. “It’s time to meet The Black Swordsman of Astro City.”

“You’re The Black Swordsman,” Daamin seems excited. “I love your whole playstyle bro.”

“Are you a fan,” Kai laughs.

“He’s not even Black so how is he going to be The Black Swordsman,” I ask causing everyone to look at me. “I don’t know why you’re all looking at me. That man is clearly of Asian descent.”

“It’s because he wears all black,” Daamin says.

“Yeah, that makes sense,” I nod.

“It’s time to die,” Kevin rushes forward.

I grab one of Daamin’s swords and rush forward to meet him. Kevin laughs and easily side steps me causing me to fall. Why did I grab a sword? Guns always beat swords nine out of ten times and I’ve got lots of guns. I roll as Kevin brings a sword down towards my head. No going to get me that easily. I manage to get to my feet and toss the sword to Daamin before drawing my shotgun.

“You can’t just throw an unsheathed sword at people,” he shouts back.

“Sorry, I was in the moment,” I apologize.

Kevin rushes towards me, I take aim and fire, but he rolls to the side and rushes forward. I step back to get a better shot and realize, I have made a serious mistake. The soil behind me is not soil, it’s mud. I feel myself instantly falling backwards. Kevin and I seem to realize I’ve slipped in mud at the same time. He laughs, but I manage to grab his precious black coat dragging him down along with me. The two of us struggle for position and throw punches in the mud. We pause as the ground below us shifts and our friends start to shout. I look around to realize that we’re slowly sliding down a hill. I didn’t expect a mudslide in a cyberpunk themed game, but here we are. I try to quickly get my footing and grab Daamin’s hand as he reaches out to me. My legs fly from under me as Kevin pulls me down, using my body as leverage to get up the hill before we’re too far gone. I grab his leg, but he kicks at me with his free foot causing me to roll. I don’t let go and suddenly the two of us are tangled and sliding down what seems like an endless hill.

When we finally stop I’m laying on my back resting my head against Kevin’s chest. Glancing up at the hill, I could probably climb back up, but it’ll take some time. I should finish Kevin off right now. Otherwise he’s going to keep me from making it back up. I get to my feet and aim a handgun at him, but there’s tears.

“Why are you crying,” I ask.  

“It’s none of your business.”  

“Tell me or I’m going to make your digital brain go boom.”

“I never got to give Ashley my real world contact info. I really like her, and now my ankle is broken and I’m losing HP. I’m never going to get another chance. I almost died.”

“You don’t actually die. You just respawn 48 hours later in a random place with no memory of recent events. You can just talk to her at the visitor’s center.”

“How do you know that,” he wipes away his tears.

“It happened to me, I got taken out a few days ago and I’m alive.”

“I really thought I would never see her again,” he starts to cry again.

“You are so lucky that I drank PoppyTearsEx earlier. The two of us are going to get to visitor center and you’re going to give me both drives, in my hand. No funny business.”  

“Deal. I promise.”

I put my gun away, but kick him in the side really hard. I call Kai who picks up right away, “Hey, head to the visitor’s center. I’ll meet you there. I don’t think I can get up the hill.”

“Alright, no problem. See you soon and be safe.”

“Yeah, you too.”

I pull another PoppyTearsEx from my inventory and toss it to him, “you better not get addicted on my watch. Nobody wants to be in love with an addict.”

1.17 - Deliverance

We rush straight ahead into the forest. Kai’s plan was simple, start by moving directly towards the visitor’s center. Others will zig-zag through and try to avoid battle. If we hear a sound, we can wait until a fight is over and pick off the winner, taking both drives. Alternatively, we can set up a surveillance perimeter with his drones and pick off whoever gets close the visitor’s center. It’s a good plan and prevents us from being in a lot of unnecessary fights. But, if we have to fight that’s where his environmental destruction plan comes into play. We’re making good time running towards the center. It’ll take four hours to get their from the start meaning there’s eight hours to collect the drives. A four hour hike will tire anyone out so I’m hoping we can catch them near the visitor’s center after we set up and get some rest.

I feel a slam into my back as I’m pushed forward too hard for me to turn my back. I recover and realize Daamin had thrown Kai and I to the ground. Before I can question him, Kai dives for a grenade and flings it into the distance. We’re under attack. I quickly scan my surroundings, looking for an enemy as Kai launches a drone into the sky and takes cover behind a large tree.

“Daamin, where are you,” I shout.

“Up here,” he calls from above. He’s hung from a tree by his ankle. That means people are setting traps out here, and we need to be careful of where we walk.  

“Kai, you got a target,” I ask.

“There’s another drone trying to disrupt my systems. If you can get a clean shot, I’d love that.”

Smoke fills the area, and I’m instantly familiar with a trick I use myself. I switch to infrared, hoping to catch them off guard. It’s a trick anyone can do, but I do it better than most, or so I like to think. My ears start to ring, as some kind of sonic device sends out high pitch sounds. I try to ignore it and focus on what’s surrounding us. I don’t see anyone until they’re inches from my face with a knife already three inches into my gut. This hurts, I’m sure it would hurt more in real life, but it hurts. Still, I’m not just some pushover. I fire several shots from a handgun into my attacker’s side. We’re both going to be feeling our wounds for a while when this is done. It burns when the knife is ripped from my flesh. I can see just well enough to switch to a shotgun and fire into my attacker’s back. I lean against a tree, keeping my back covered as the smoke fades.

When things are clear the person who shot me remains on the ground stunned from my shot. I don’t bother looting them. Instead a down a small vial of PoppyTearsEx, a synthetic form of opium with healing properties that’s great at healing wounds that would otherwise heal slow and provide status effects like bleeding or poison. Players can actually get addicted to it if they use it too often, but it’s not my preferred health regenerator. I’m a loser who just goes to my digital apartment and rests for a while. I take a few deep breaths as it starts to circulate my system filling me with a comforting warmth and dulling the adrenaline I was feeling. I pat my pockets and realize the drive is gone.  

I rush over to my attacker and start to look through any items I’m able to loot. I settle on the knife they used to stab me, serrated edges that cause bleeding and a speed boost for stealth attacks. I wouldn’t make it my whole character but it’s a good ace to have. Despite that, there’s no drive. Kai uses one of his drones to shoot the rope holding Daamin in the tree letting Daamin land gracefully in a superhero pose.

“Hey, guys, we got a problem. But don’t panic,” I try to keep calm, realizing I’m stretching my words.

“What did you take,” Daamin laughs.

“Synthetic opium, but more importantly, they took the drive,” I throw my hands up. “Not sure when they got it, but they did.”

“I’m going to guess when they tried to do an autopsy on you and you screamed,” Kai sighs.

“I didn’t scream.”

“You screamed,” Daamin nods.

“I screamed? Was it a manly scream,” I ask.

“What’s important is we’ve still got seven and a half hours to get two drives,” Kai says.

“Alright, let’s get going,” Daamin takes off.

At least it was a quick beating and we’ve still got time to get replacements. We just have to stay on guard. Kai is already taking precautions and making adjustments. He’s switched to several small spherical drones. He’s actually balancing on two and flying up ahead of us, looking extremely cool. Six more are providing surveillance as they lead and follow us from different positions. The small drones don’t have the same firing power, but they’re more versatile and better for when he needs to get into the fight because they each provide different benefits. He said not to worry, but he’s taking this seriously. Meanwhile I’m over here trying to keep my focus as the drugs work their magic. I really should have used something else, but I didn’t have anything as strong. It’s a break glass in case of emergency thing and there was an emergency. The only problem is that usually once and emergency is averted there’s time to get some chocolate and regroup. There’s no time to regroup right now and no time for chocolate either. I really wish there was time for chocolate. Milk chocolate, or hot chocolate. Hot chocolate with milk chocolate. Wait, focus.

1.16 - Hidden Leaf


We come to a stop where the GPS leads us but there’s nothing here besides a stone mountain used to mark the edge of the game map. Daamin and Kay arrive shortly after us. They exit the van while heavy in a debate about Kamen Rider vs Super Sentai and I can’t be bothered to pretend I know or care what they’re talking about.  

“Where’s the code Kay? There’s nothing here,” I can’t hide the annoyance in my voice.

“If you calmed down, I would explain what you’re seeing here,” Kay snaps back.

“Alright, start talking before I start shooting,” I threaten.

“Are guns really necessary,” Daamin asks.

“Thank you Daamin,” Kay smiles a sly smile at me.

Kay rubs the wall entirely too seductively. At least she’s trying to be seductive but it’s doing nothing for me. Kai elbows me as we watch, and the look he gives me makes it known it’s doing nothing for him either. Daamin seems to be standing as if he’s watching the most interesting lecture of all time. Kay finally finishes giving the mountain an erotic massage and faces us with a smile. Then she backs through the mountain.

“What the fuck,” the three of us ask in unison.  

Daamin is the first to rush through the mountain after Kay and vanishes. Kai runs through but I hesitate. I don’t know if we can trust Kay and I don’t know what’s behind this mountain. Kai’s hand reaches from the wall, followed by his head. He winks at me and grabs my arm. I close my eyes, but there’s no pain. When I regain my balance, I’m staring at a small wooden building and behind it a massive forest. The trees reach higher than any I’ve ever seen in my life, high enough that they block out the sun behind them.

“I thought Christopher Robin’s forest was the only one in the game,” I say in awe.

“Christopher Reeves’,” Kai corrects me, just as much in awe as I am.

“Christopher Phillips Evans III,” Daamin laughs.

“That’s what we said,” Kai answers.

“Why would you hide this,” I ask Kay.

“It’s a cyberpunk game. Resources should be hoarded by the wealthy leaving the others to fight for the scraps. If anyone bothered to explore the entire map, I’m sure they could have found this place,” she says smugly.

“It’s basically the same way The Grail hides their desert base in Preacher except this is a forest,” Daamin says proudly.

“Never heard of it,” Kay responds as usual.

“Who owns the place,” Kai asks clearly wanting to avoid another argument.

“It’s a shadow organization that provides real wood furniture, luxury items. I never got to flesh it out because I had to devote time and energy to features that people wanted instead. I had to spend time making sure people could brush their teeth and live like The Sims instead of doing stuff like this.”

“Why didn’t you hire assistants?”

“Did Picasso have assistants,” Kay seems annoyed.

“Actually, he did,” I argue but only get a dirty look.

“Greetings,” an NPC park ranger shouts as we get close.

“You went really hard with the costume design on this one, it’s just a regular park ranger,” I whisper to Kay.

“You’re an asshole. I told you I didn’t have time to finish,” Kay responds.

“I see you folks are here to try winning the legendary sword Excalibur,” The Ranger speaks as we get closer.

“I thought we were here for code,” Daamin says.

“The code is in the sword,” Kay says. “But let me guess, you’ve seen that one too?”

“I actually haven’t,” Daamin says which surprises us all.

“The legendary sword Excalibur has been passed down and hidden away many times over the ages,” the Park Ranger speaks as if he’s at a renaissance fair now. “Yet it always seems to return when the world is in great danger. Now rumors are swirling that it has been spotted and can be used to overthrow those would see the destruction of Earth’s precious resources. Even with the sword, remember, the power is yours.”

“You really stole from Captain Planet,” I ask.

“Everyone knows Captain Planet,” Kai adds.

“Didn’t you see the Don Cheedle sketch,” Daamin asks. “Captain Planet is going to kick your ass.”

“Never heard of it,” Kay responds.

“We’ll see about that when you’re a tree,” Kai jokes.

We follow the Park Ranger into the large wooden building where there are several other teams waiting. Some look like NPCs just designed to fill out the ranks of the competition. A boy with an orange jumpsuit arguing with another wearing blue as a girl with pink hair shakes her head annoyed seem to be drawing the most attention but they’re NPCs and just putting on a preprogrammed show.  

“It’s a three-person competition, so someone needs to sit this out,” Kai points out as he signs us up.

“I’ll sit out, my avatar isn’t built for fighting, I’m a lover,” Kay says as she smiles at Daamin.

“No. You’ll just run away and we won’t be able get the other pieces of data,” I explain.

“Yeah, you need to be out there,” Kai agrees.

“I won’t run away,” Kay argues.

“We don’t trust you,” Kai shrugs.

“Guys, if she says she’s not going to run away, I believe her,” Daamin says.

“Alright, if she runs away, you get to play bounty hunter while we go on a shopping spree with your credits,” Kai says.

“Deal,” Daamin doesn’t even argue.

I’m really starting to think he and Kay might be in love because this is blowing my mind how far he’s willing to go for her. Kai nudges me and looks to the side but doesn’t make eye contact. A sign that there’s something I need to see. A group of three non NPCs being incredibly weird.

“Momma, poppa, are we going to win,” one of them asks despite all being the same age.

“We’ll do our best,” the only man in the group responds.

I have no idea what I’m looking at but I can’t look any longer. I just know Kay and Daamin are in love because if these people are running around with a fake family in game anything is possible. I’m not going to kink shame them, but it’s weird.

“The rules are very simple,” The Park Ranger begins. “Each team will be given a data drive. What’s on it, is not important. What’s important is that you’ll need two drives to complete the challenge. Half of the teams here will get a Yin Drive, and the other half a Yang Drive. You’ll need both to finish. If you access the data on the drive, your entire team will be disqualified. If you die, it’s not our fault. Once you have both drives, you’ll need to go to the visitor’s center at the center of the forest. You may get the drives any way you can. Trade, steal or fight; it’s all fine. Teams will enter one hour apart. Once all teams have entered you have eight hours to collect both drives and arrive at the center. Teams have been selected at random. Good luck,” The Park Ranger opens the doors and signals for the first team to enter the forest.

“I don’t have to be super into anime to know this is just The Chunin exam from Naruto,” Kai jokes.

“Yeah, she really telephoned this one with the Team 7 NPCs,” I laugh.

“That woman keeps staring at me,” Daamin points at the kinky group Kai and I had been laughing at.

“You’re way too old for us to tell you don’t point at people,” I smack his hand down.

The man in the group makes his way over followed by the two women, “Hello, my name is Kevin. This is my wife Ashley and our daughter Yara,” he extends a handshake to me which I return.

“Our daughter was just admiring your scales,” Ashley says to Daamin.

“Yeah, they’re cool,” Daamin seems bothered by the whole thing.

Kai uses the moment to escape, he’s planning to trade with another group hoping that we can just get the drives and get out. Kay is supposedly in the visitor’s center waiting on our arrival but Daamin is still the only person who trusts her. Daamin and Kevin seem to get along well, they both use swords. Apparently their builds are useless until around level 20 when they can actually do real damage. Daamin favors katanas but Kevin is a classic broadsword kind of guy. I could care less, I just know a sword doesn’t win in a gun fight unless there’s some serious shenanigans going on. There’s no point in trying to trade with this group as they’re legitimately after the sword. They all met in the game and have decided to be a family. At first I thought they just went insane after the we were all trapped in the game. Unfortunately, they were doing this beforehand. Being trapped just gave them a chance to really commit to it. Daamin is really great at fitting in with weird people, because he’s weird. He’s my weird friend, so I don’t mind, but Kevin, Ashly and Yara are not my kind of weird. They’re the kind of weird to let you know they’re swingers after they invite you to dinner at their home. I’m nothing short of grateful when Kai returns.  

“Negotiation is pointless,” Kai sighs. “Players are really determined to fight and prove how strong they are. NPCs won’t trade for anything except super rare items so we’re going to have to fight out there.”

“Alright, then we need to go get ready,” I pull Daamin away from the kinky family.

Kai makes the plans for our team. The basics are always the same. I’m the shooter. I kick in the door waving the .44, and people drop. Daamin is a nuisance. He can do a lot of damage if he gets close with the swords but he’s mostly moving around really fast and taking out anyone who doesn’t go down with one shot. Kai plays support. Support players don’t get enough love because most players can heal themselves and support players are rarely flashy. Kai barely ever enters into an actual fight. He hacks stuff, surveys the situation, causes mayhem. If he does enter the fight, nobody will see him. He’s big on stealth and is usually just taking quietly retrieving the objective so Daamin and I can retreat.

Watching him right now is no different. He’s breaking down the odds and different battle strategies to wrap up fights quick that use the environment. We’ve already realized that the area is based on Naruto so Kai plans to use the environment to our advantage in the same way characters did. Even if we’re not using jutsu or ninja tools, we’ve still got a lot of unique sci-fi weapons that can provide some of the same advantages. Watching Kai plan is always exciting to me. He said before he met me most of his gaming time was spent solo on strategy games. It really shows when he starts talking strategy.  

“If all else goes to hell, there’s three rules to follow out there. Don’t get separated. It’s a team battle. We can all handle ourselves, but if you come up against three players or three strong NPCs it means nothing. Rule two, don’t panic if we lose a drive, we’ve got plenty of time to get two more. Rule three, if you get knocked out of the game you can’t help get a drive so don’t get knocked out. We’ll retreat to stay alive instead of saving the drive. Any questions,” Kai finishes.

“I’m good,” I shrug.

“I just hope we can get out there soon. Being the last team is a real disadvantage,” Daamin adds.

The park ranger’s bell rings, it’s time for another team enter.