1.20 - Sword in The Stone

1.20 - Sword in The Stone


Kevin and I limp to the visitor center holding on to each other for balance. I’ve got a back and shoulder that have be destroyed by a robotic bear and a gut wound that goes straight through to the other side now. He’s got a twice crushed ankle and is still a little loopy but we made it. Daamin, Ashley and Kai are all standing there waiting as if they’ve had a perfectly fine trip since we were separated.  

“Ashley, we need to talk,” Kevin says in the strongest tone he can muster.

“We need to get you all some help,” Ashley says.

“Let the man speak his heart,” I stop Ashley.

“Hurry up. You two look like you’re about to die and have multiple status effects,” Ashley complains.

“I love you Ashley,” Kevin starts strong. “I really like you, and I want to get to know you. In the real world,” Kevin is spewing words so fast I struggle to keep up. “You’re really cool, and smart and funny. I love every moment I spend with you and all the stupid stuff I do is to impress you. I want to like all the little stupid things you like so they become stupid things I like. It doesn’t matter if it’s this game or the real world my life is incomplete without you.”

“Kevin,” Ashley holds a hand over her heart. “You idiot. Do you think I’d run around with a grown woman calling me mama if I didn’t like you? This is our chance to ditch Yara and go live our lives, together.”

“We can ditch her? I would have done it weeks ago if I knew you didn't like it either. I just kept thinking about how she was ruining all the time we had together.”

I didn’t have child neglect on my bingo card but here it is. I nearly fall over when Ashley grabs Kevin for a hug. Kai manages to catch me in his arms. Laughing is all I can do as my taller body and larger frame slouch over him.

“Kai, let me go man,” I continue laughing.

“Too late,” he falls backwards with me landing on top of him.

I roll off him and keep laughing. “Did you get the drives from Ashley?”

“Yeah she handed them over without a fight after I told her everything,” he hands both drives to me.

“Great, help me up. We’ve got a sword to smash.”

Limping into the visitors’ center I spot Kay waiting for us. It’s actually nice to see her, because I’m glad she didn’t screw us over before we got all four pieces of code. When she see’s the condition that I’m in she points and laughs. I give her a middle finger with one hand and hold up the drives with the other. I think we’re friends now.  

“Congratulations,” the Park Ranger shouts. “You’ve managed to get both a yin and yang drive. That means you’ve earned the right to the legendary sword, Excalibur,” he ushers his hand to a decorative stone with an old-fashioned sword sticking up from it. I was actually thinking I’d feel some kind of divine power as I gripped the hilt of the sword but there’s nothing. The sword comes out smoothly without any resistance. A triple damage multiplier, and a chance of paralyses, bleeding or burn damage. It’s a great sword to use. I hold it in the air as the quest complete sound plays and bright light shines down on me. The light feels amazing, warm. This must be how Daamin felt when he won the tournament.

The light fades and all the pain returns. I start to smash the sword’s blade on the stone until it dents and cracks. It’s shatters in a burst of light revealing the second piece of data we need.

“I can use these scraps,” I pick them up wondering if they’ll be good for a weapon mod later.

“Let’s get out of here already,” Kai laughs.

“Enjoy your walk back,” The Park Ranger opens the doors for us.

“You couldn’t program a car to take us back,” I ask Kay.

“This must be the creator,” Kevin looks at her.

“Why yes, I am the creator of this wonderful paradise,” Kay smiles proudly at Kevin.

“You’re a dick,” Kevin gives her a middle finger and heads towards the door supported by Ashley.

“I’m starting to like that guy. Really glad I’m not the only one who thinks she sucks,” I follow their lead supported by Kai. “There better not be any bears either,” I shout back.

“That bear is wonderful. Let me tell you about the quest that revolves around there bear,” Kay comes following after us.  

The walk back through the forest is still a pain especially with all the lingering damage and status effects that I haven’t cleared. We spend more time getting to know Kevin and Ashley. We offer them a spot on our little team, but they’re not interested. The two of them want to spend some time getting to know each other without Yara, I can’t blame them.  

“Hey, give me a few days to recover, but if you ever get in a jam, give me a call. We killed a bear together, we’re friends now,” Kevin laughs extends a hand.

I shake his hand for real this time around, “I’ll keep that in mind. Don’t be a stranger, you can call me too.”

Ashley helps Kevin into a white jeep as they drive off into the desert leaving just the four of us again. I want to go home, but I also need to take a moment relax and recover. Maybe craft a weapon upgrade, certainly buy some health regeneration items.  

“I leave you alone for a few hours and you’re forgetting I’m your best friend,” Kai flicks the bracelet on my wrist before heading towards my El Camino.

“Don’t be like that, you know you’re my favorite! I’ll even let you drive,” I limp after him.

“Will you two get a room already,” Daamin shouts.

“Right next door to you and Kay,” I shout back causing Kay to turn red and Daamin to look away.


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